Proverbs 14:1 Every wise woman buildeth her house: but the foolish plucketh it down with her hands.
Discourage and hinder him from following the dreams God’s given him and do not support them, sabotage it even, especially when they bring personal risk (Genesis 2:18)
Refuse to submit to your husband (Ephesians 5:22-24 (5:25-33); Colossians 3:18)
Use your tongue as a weapon; insult, mock him as it makes him feel so valued and appreciated (It’s your best asset!)
Share your husband’s failings with others (his friends, your mother, and anyone else who cares to listen)
Be unfaithful & untrustworthy, betray him continuously (Prov. 31:11-12)
Gossip about your family
Be careless and sloppy about your appearance
Be lazy and carelessly spend money
Be covetous of what others have
Disrespect your husband to your children
Be hyper critical of your husband and children & nag them constantly (men love this!)
Ignore the housework (come up with creative excuses for undone work…”The dog ate my cookbook”)
Watch soap operas and fantasize about how much kinder, attentive, and romantic other husbands are
Make your husband “earn” his times of intimacy with you (you could even use a point system for good behavior) (1 Corinthians 7:4)
Be sure to let your husband know everything that irritates you (preferably when he walks in the door from work)
The above is definitely not exhaustive
i leave you with :
"... the man she had destroyed was her own husband, who had now left her for another woman. By her own admission, her heart had never really been in her home. She had loved her work more than her family and had failed to fulfill her God-given responsibilities as a wife and mother. Now she was living with the lethal consequences of her foolishness.
'I am the epitome of the foolish woman you described. ..., I've been this foolish, adulterous woman. I now see the tragic consequences ... in my husband and in our marriage. I have also planted these vicious seeds in our precious daughter.
I have emasculated my husband, because of my selfish, arrogant, manipulative, intimidating ways and words. How terribly, terribly wounded he is because of me.
I have taken him down to the very core of Hell itself because of my ungodly, willful ways. Today he took the wife of another man to church with him. How could I have driven such a wonderful man to do such a hideous thing before God?
God help me. I see how wrong I've been. I'm trusting in His Word for healing, cleansing, and restoration of my vile heart.'"
Other references - key interest point is many are by women
Stronger reproach by men have been omitted ... for now (para 4 of When your trust has been betrayed is telling)
moon calendar
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
lie ... lying ... liars
lie ... Oxford defines it as an intentionally false statement
everyone has lied at one time or other
children lie because they're scared or afraid of being found out
which consequently leads to punishment
or because they've been threatened, coerced, harassed or coached
or because they want something they wouldn't get if truth be told
adults are pretty much the same
but there are those who scheme
those who lie without batting an eyelid
those who lie as naturally as breathing
and see nothing wrong in it
either because they grew up in such an environment
or they discovered it helps them achieve desired ends best
or they have no intention of keeping their word in the first place
or not keeping one's word is a way of life for them
a back-up escape hatch when they can't or don't want to keep their word
and because they have never been taken to task for it
they continue with impunity, actually believing it is justified
with whatever reasons they can come up with
despite knowing it is (morally) wrong
and the possible repercussions and consequences it may bring
liars continue to justify it
not even conceding they are in the wrong
i have lied as a child and an adult
i have been found out
and the lessons impress on me it ain't worth it
it just ain't worth it ... it never is
despite having lived on both sides of the coin so to speak
it just ain't worth it
realising it, understanding it ... is one thing
but actually seeing the consequences coming to pass ... naturally,
is an eye opener in itself
when someone lies or does not keep their word
repeatedly without remorse, regret or misgiving
for selfish reasons
with the insouciant gall of being right or the nerve expecting to be forgiven
without a shred of sincerity or change
such can no longer be trusted nor relied upon
the saddest part is ....
they're lying to themselves, continuously
consequently depriving themselves ... ultimately cheating themselves out of
well, the list goes on ... you get the picture
a lie is a lie
a white lie is still a lie
people came up with 'white lie' for self-justification
remember the story of the boy who cried wolf ?
in the end, when it mattered most, nobody believed him because of his lies
i leave you with:
Proverbs 19:9 - A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall perish.
Proverbs 12:22 - Lying lips [are] abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly [are] his delight.
Psalms 101:7 - He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.
Luke 8:17 - For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither [any thing] hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
1 John 2:4 - He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
Proverbs 12:19 - The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue [is] but for a moment.
John 8:44 - Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
everyone has lied at one time or other
children lie because they're scared or afraid of being found out
which consequently leads to punishment
or because they've been threatened, coerced, harassed or coached
or because they want something they wouldn't get if truth be told
adults are pretty much the same
but there are those who scheme
those who lie without batting an eyelid
those who lie as naturally as breathing
and see nothing wrong in it
either because they grew up in such an environment
or they discovered it helps them achieve desired ends best
or they have no intention of keeping their word in the first place
or not keeping one's word is a way of life for them
a back-up escape hatch when they can't or don't want to keep their word
and because they have never been taken to task for it
they continue with impunity, actually believing it is justified
with whatever reasons they can come up with
despite knowing it is (morally) wrong
and the possible repercussions and consequences it may bring
liars continue to justify it
not even conceding they are in the wrong
i have lied as a child and an adult
i have been found out
and the lessons impress on me it ain't worth it
it just ain't worth it ... it never is
despite having lived on both sides of the coin so to speak
it just ain't worth it
realising it, understanding it ... is one thing
but actually seeing the consequences coming to pass ... naturally,
is an eye opener in itself
when someone lies or does not keep their word
repeatedly without remorse, regret or misgiving
for selfish reasons
with the insouciant gall of being right or the nerve expecting to be forgiven
without a shred of sincerity or change
such can no longer be trusted nor relied upon
the saddest part is ....
they're lying to themselves, continuously
consequently depriving themselves ... ultimately cheating themselves out of
well, the list goes on ... you get the picture
a lie is a lie
a white lie is still a lie
people came up with 'white lie' for self-justification
remember the story of the boy who cried wolf ?
in the end, when it mattered most, nobody believed him because of his lies
i leave you with:
Proverbs 19:9 - A false witness shall not be unpunished, and [he that] speaketh lies shall perish.
Proverbs 12:22 - Lying lips [are] abomination to the LORD: but they that deal truly [are] his delight.
Psalms 101:7 - He that worketh deceit shall not dwell within my house: he that telleth lies shall not tarry in my sight.
Luke 8:17 - For nothing is secret, that shall not be made manifest; neither [any thing] hid, that shall not be known and come abroad.
1 John 2:4 - He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him.
Proverbs 12:19 - The lip of truth shall be established for ever: but a lying tongue [is] but for a moment.
John 8:44 - Ye are of [your] father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it.
Revelation 21:8 - But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
Saturday, 25 October 2014
DNA or .... crumbs
"Truth, Lord: yet the dogs eat of the crumbs which fall from their masters' table." Matthew 15:27
the Lord Jesus saw her faith and the woman's daughter was healed that very hour
every so often, i feel so desperate i yearn for crumbs ... for whatever little which may come my way or be proffered or i may scrounge
when the yearning gets so bad until it hurts and i can barely breathe
when only dry heaves and moans come forth as tears seem to have dried up
but the Lord is good, strong, faithful and mighty
despite all and sundry (except the few true ones) continuing with their self-righteous judgment
the Lord succored and continues to uphold me
with love and gentle compassion
without condemnation
and others who uphold in prayer
and i'm reminded of His love for me
reminded that i carry His spiritual DNA
that i am His child and the apple of His eye
having my love acknowledged without prejudice, bias or condemnation
the Living God truly is a gentle, compassionate, merciful and loving God
who knows all and is in control at all times
Abba Father
thank You ... more than words can ever say
more than i shall ever know all You have done and continue to do for me
thank You
and by faith i receive Your promises, deliverance and blessings with thanksgiving
Revelation 3:7-8 ... he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
as i strive to draw close to Thee O Lord, i trust in You and Your promises and no matter how tempting it maybe, help me to no longer settle but to wait upon You for Your best for me, my future Ruth
even so, i speak Your promises unto my life and speak life unto all aspects of my life Ezekiel 37
i speak Your victories unto my life in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
and i pray the succor, upholding, encouragement and peace upon my brothers and sisters who, like me, have no one else and nowhere else to turn to but You, Father unto the fatherless
lead us by the hand, Father, and walk us through the new doors You have opened for us
lead us by the hand, Father, and never let us go, please
lead us by the hand, Father, in the way we should go, the way You have ordained for us
in Jesus' name, amen
the Lord Jesus saw her faith and the woman's daughter was healed that very hour
every so often, i feel so desperate i yearn for crumbs ... for whatever little which may come my way or be proffered or i may scrounge
when the yearning gets so bad until it hurts and i can barely breathe
when only dry heaves and moans come forth as tears seem to have dried up
but the Lord is good, strong, faithful and mighty
despite all and sundry (except the few true ones) continuing with their self-righteous judgment
the Lord succored and continues to uphold me
with love and gentle compassion
without condemnation
and others who uphold in prayer
and i'm reminded of His love for me
reminded that i carry His spiritual DNA
that i am His child and the apple of His eye
having my love acknowledged without prejudice, bias or condemnation
the Living God truly is a gentle, compassionate, merciful and loving God
who knows all and is in control at all times
Abba Father
thank You ... more than words can ever say
more than i shall ever know all You have done and continue to do for me
thank You
and by faith i receive Your promises, deliverance and blessings with thanksgiving
i receive Your promise that Your thoughts of me are of peace, not of evil, to give me an expected end (KJV) NIV: For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.
i receive Your promise that restoration of my locust years is on its way Joel 2:25
i receive Your promise that You will complete the good work You have begun in me
Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ
i receive Your promise that You shall shut doors that no man can open and open doors for me that no man can shut i receive Your promise that restoration of my locust years is on its way Joel 2:25
i receive Your promise that You will complete the good work You have begun in me
Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform [it] until the day of Jesus Christ
Revelation 3:7-8 ... he that openeth, and no man shutteth; and shutteth, and no man openeth; I know thy works: behold, I have set before thee an open door, and no man can shut it: for thou hast a little strength, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name.
as i strive to draw close to Thee O Lord, i trust in You and Your promises and no matter how tempting it maybe, help me to no longer settle but to wait upon You for Your best for me, my future Ruth
even so, i speak Your promises unto my life and speak life unto all aspects of my life Ezekiel 37
i speak Your victories unto my life in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth
and i pray the succor, upholding, encouragement and peace upon my brothers and sisters who, like me, have no one else and nowhere else to turn to but You, Father unto the fatherless
lead us by the hand, Father, and walk us through the new doors You have opened for us
lead us by the hand, Father, and never let us go, please
lead us by the hand, Father, in the way we should go, the way You have ordained for us
in Jesus' name, amen
Monday, 1 September 2014
Fish Valley, Semenyih
finally decided this morning to give it a go and clear some cobwebs from my head
took #1 along
had planned to go early but slept in and later went for breakfast
reached after noon
not a good move, since the fish are having their afternoon siesta
saw two guys pulling up fish after fish after fish
they were using their own bait mix
pacus, carps, just kept hauling them up ... dwindled down towards the evening
expected a large crowd or a crowd at the very least
lo and behold, we could count everyone there on two hands
not that i'm complaining ... much prefer it that way
had a bite that saw the rod move to the left .. line surged out
but retrieved it too slow .. was thinking the neighbours had snagged my line again
mainline snapped .. either a pacu or jelawat
we were finally rewarded around sixish
#1 needed a rebait and we were away from our spot .. tools were not with me
so i let him hang on to the starion 100+spiral wrapped daiwa strikeforce combo
as i was just about done with retying the leader and hook, he called out to me
couldn't see it from where i was standing but he was on to a fish all right
and he had the set up upside down !
set him right and we hung on as the fish ran repeatedly ... he wouldn't let go of the rod
despite not really knowing how to handle a BC set
finally netted the 3kg jelawat but dropped my phone into the sluice gate ... so no pix
broad, fat, thick .... thankfully the net fit
he didn't want to leave yet and we gave it a last go
again he was holding onto the rod ... an antares v2 + spiral wrapped vicious anglers combo
when a 1.5kg pacu took the line ... stronger runs and kept diving
#1 found it more difficult to handle a longer rod and different retrieve angle/distance
well, good way to end a fruitless afternoon
could've had some good pix of him and his 1st 3kg fish and pacu ... but for the phone
oh well, another day another time another session
took #1 along
had planned to go early but slept in and later went for breakfast
reached after noon
not a good move, since the fish are having their afternoon siesta
saw two guys pulling up fish after fish after fish
they were using their own bait mix
pacus, carps, just kept hauling them up ... dwindled down towards the evening
expected a large crowd or a crowd at the very least
lo and behold, we could count everyone there on two hands
not that i'm complaining ... much prefer it that way
had a bite that saw the rod move to the left .. line surged out
but retrieved it too slow .. was thinking the neighbours had snagged my line again
mainline snapped .. either a pacu or jelawat
we were finally rewarded around sixish
#1 needed a rebait and we were away from our spot .. tools were not with me
so i let him hang on to the starion 100+spiral wrapped daiwa strikeforce combo
as i was just about done with retying the leader and hook, he called out to me
couldn't see it from where i was standing but he was on to a fish all right
and he had the set up upside down !
set him right and we hung on as the fish ran repeatedly ... he wouldn't let go of the rod
despite not really knowing how to handle a BC set
finally netted the 3kg jelawat but dropped my phone into the sluice gate ... so no pix
broad, fat, thick .... thankfully the net fit
he didn't want to leave yet and we gave it a last go
again he was holding onto the rod ... an antares v2 + spiral wrapped vicious anglers combo
when a 1.5kg pacu took the line ... stronger runs and kept diving
#1 found it more difficult to handle a longer rod and different retrieve angle/distance
well, good way to end a fruitless afternoon
could've had some good pix of him and his 1st 3kg fish and pacu ... but for the phone
oh well, another day another time another session
Wednesday, 27 August 2014
Port Dickson Methodist Centre
was there a couple of weeks back
nice place, new, clean and well equipped
airy, all corridors and walkways well lit at night; torches not needed
the beach is about 10-15 minutes away on foot
plenty of meeting rooms and halls
canteen area is large, capable of seating a few hundred easily
flies, however, are a problem - fly paper or tea lights may come in handy during meals
food was pretty good
a testament to the chefs
there are ramps and washrooms for the disabled
washroom facilities are clean and well taken care of
accommodation ranges from dorms to singles to twins to two room apartments
apartment bathrooms come with showers

what i like most are the halls where partitions can be removed to enlarge the area as needed
sound dampening panels work well despite initial looks
what caught my eye was the small 3-in-1 EV line array speaker system hanging from the ceiling
it was more than capable of meeting the sound needs in the hall
bass, trebles, mids, highs, lows .. whatever or however you may wish to label it
the ensuing sound was well blended, well mixed, clear, crisp ... different parts were clear and distinct
no overkills of bass or clashes of instruments competing to be heard
voices were clear yet not overwhelming
the single EV subwoofer on the floor near the back wall more than did its job
the sound room ... elevated about 1-1.5 feet, received all "information" through a single person-wide narrow door quite clearly ... with very little loss of "data" - a soundman could do his/her job quite well and efficiently
the PD Methodist Centre set-up reinforces the conviction of my ears that "less is more"

cute ... small yet powerful
forgot to get a shot of the mixer but it looked normal enough
not exceptionally big nor complicated looking LOL
the single sub-woofer towards the rear wall

it makes me wonder all the more about a 6-8 speakers with large woofers set up monitored by an open and sunken sound station instead of the norm
resulting(?) in bass overkill, instruments clashing and competing to heard,
voices overwhelmingly loud and clashing
too much reverb or echo or delay .. or whatever you may call it since i don't know music and am not a sound engineer :P
one the other hand, it may not be the hardware but the person or people using or trying to use the hardware ... just like in photography ;)
nice place, new, clean and well equipped
airy, all corridors and walkways well lit at night; torches not needed
the beach is about 10-15 minutes away on foot
plenty of meeting rooms and halls
canteen area is large, capable of seating a few hundred easily
flies, however, are a problem - fly paper or tea lights may come in handy during meals
food was pretty good
a testament to the chefs
there are ramps and washrooms for the disabled
washroom facilities are clean and well taken care of
accommodation ranges from dorms to singles to twins to two room apartments
apartment bathrooms come with showers
that glass shelf is NOT practical
what i like most are the halls where partitions can be removed to enlarge the area as needed
sound dampening panels work well despite initial looks
what caught my eye was the small 3-in-1 EV line array speaker system hanging from the ceiling
it was more than capable of meeting the sound needs in the hall
bass, trebles, mids, highs, lows .. whatever or however you may wish to label it
the ensuing sound was well blended, well mixed, clear, crisp ... different parts were clear and distinct
no overkills of bass or clashes of instruments competing to be heard
voices were clear yet not overwhelming
the single EV subwoofer on the floor near the back wall more than did its job
the sound room ... elevated about 1-1.5 feet, received all "information" through a single person-wide narrow door quite clearly ... with very little loss of "data" - a soundman could do his/her job quite well and efficiently
the PD Methodist Centre set-up reinforces the conviction of my ears that "less is more"
cute ... small yet powerful
that 3-in-1 line array speaker at left more than met the needs of this hall
forgot to get a shot of the mixer but it looked normal enough
not exceptionally big nor complicated looking LOL
the single sub-woofer towards the rear wall
it makes me wonder all the more about a 6-8 speakers with large woofers set up monitored by an open and sunken sound station instead of the norm
resulting(?) in bass overkill, instruments clashing and competing to heard,
voices overwhelmingly loud and clashing
too much reverb or echo or delay .. or whatever you may call it since i don't know music and am not a sound engineer :P
one the other hand, it may not be the hardware but the person or people using or trying to use the hardware ... just like in photography ;)
more answers ...
"take My hand .... " - such a beautiful answer ... the best answer anyone could wish or ask for
awesome God .... who knows everything and is omniscient
who knows His creation best
cried out unto You this morning and ....
'You're here on purpose, weaknesses included. You're all God's fault.
But guess what? He knows what He's doing.
God doesn't call extroverts to be introverts or vice versa. He doesn't call creative people to handle church calendars, and He doesn't call detail oriented people to write dramas.
He made you totally on purpose.
God also knits your personality for whatever He's called you to do. But He uses the Holy Spirit to work the you out of you. He always works on your rough edges, but God does not want you to be someone you are not. God can use you just where you are - your gifts, talents and strengths - but in using you, He will change you and conform you to look more like Christ.
Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all for the glory of the Lord. When you work, do it as though working for the Lord. Use your gifts. Pour into others. Listen to that inner tug. See the hole you're supposed to fill. Get busy thriving."
after last night's service, "take My hand ..." is all i'm hanging onto
Father, please complete the good work You've begun in me, according to Your will and purpose
despite my circumstances, despite my situation, despite my snafus ... please, for Your glory
all my yearnings, desires, wishes and dreams, and love for the Sea beautiful ... into Your hands i surrender, Father
please continue to carry me and my heart, Father
awesome God .... who knows everything and is omniscient
who knows His creation best
cried out unto You this morning and ....
'You're here on purpose, weaknesses included. You're all God's fault.
But guess what? He knows what He's doing.
God doesn't call extroverts to be introverts or vice versa. He doesn't call creative people to handle church calendars, and He doesn't call detail oriented people to write dramas.
He made you totally on purpose.
God also knits your personality for whatever He's called you to do. But He uses the Holy Spirit to work the you out of you. He always works on your rough edges, but God does not want you to be someone you are not. God can use you just where you are - your gifts, talents and strengths - but in using you, He will change you and conform you to look more like Christ.
Whatever you do in word or deed, do it all for the glory of the Lord. When you work, do it as though working for the Lord. Use your gifts. Pour into others. Listen to that inner tug. See the hole you're supposed to fill. Get busy thriving."
after last night's service, "take My hand ..." is all i'm hanging onto
Father, please complete the good work You've begun in me, according to Your will and purpose
despite my circumstances, despite my situation, despite my snafus ... please, for Your glory
all my yearnings, desires, wishes and dreams, and love for the Sea beautiful ... into Your hands i surrender, Father
please continue to carry me and my heart, Father
Sunday, 24 August 2014
an answer ... a progressive answer ... progressive answers
months of struggle
finally coming to a decision .. more or less
i do not fear deciding nor acting on a decision
but i fear the Lord who can destroy both body and spirit
i fear losing the Lord's grace, mercies, compassion, love, protection and blessings
the Lord knows us, his creation ... knows me ... like no one ever does or ever could
the constant support and comfort ... encouragement
these past months
all glory be unto Thee O Sovereign One of Israel
these past months ... crying ... crying out unto You
asking ... wanting to know ... yearning .. desiring
yet wanting to be right with You in You
thank You for Your faithfulness and mercies and grace
thank You for speaking to me
thank You for Your Holy Spirit
thank You
i'm usually all for the now and here
but have gotten used about thinking and planning for the future
worrying about the future
"We’re all guilty of living in anticipation of a fork in the road.
But there is no fork in your road.
God didn’t ask you to make any huge decisions.
All he said was “Lean on me, see like I see, and realize your past is gone and your future is mine.
All I ask is that you get to know me and make me known.”
been struggling these past months to decide
and when i'm on the verge of acting
here's the answer :
You did not ask me to make any decisions ... because everything is in Your hands
what a relief, Father and yet ... just waiting ... i chafe at the bit
was that all white wedding just a dream ... or a sign ?
was our sitting together to discuss unknown matters a future reality or
... just wishful dreaming ?
yes, Father, the past is gone and the future is Yours
please make use of me ... if only a little
not even a potsherd ... but potsherd dust
but You formed me from dust
and therefore Thou art able to use me, even as dust
... surrender ...
finally coming to a decision .. more or less
i do not fear deciding nor acting on a decision
but i fear the Lord who can destroy both body and spirit
i fear losing the Lord's grace, mercies, compassion, love, protection and blessings
the Lord knows us, his creation ... knows me ... like no one ever does or ever could
the constant support and comfort ... encouragement
these past months
all glory be unto Thee O Sovereign One of Israel
these past months ... crying ... crying out unto You
asking ... wanting to know ... yearning .. desiring
yet wanting to be right with You in You
thank You for Your faithfulness and mercies and grace
thank You for speaking to me
thank You for Your Holy Spirit
thank You
i'm usually all for the now and here
but have gotten used about thinking and planning for the future
worrying about the future
"We’re all guilty of living in anticipation of a fork in the road.
But there is no fork in your road.
God didn’t ask you to make any huge decisions.
All he said was “Lean on me, see like I see, and realize your past is gone and your future is mine.
All I ask is that you get to know me and make me known.”
been struggling these past months to decide
and when i'm on the verge of acting
here's the answer :
You did not ask me to make any decisions ... because everything is in Your hands
what a relief, Father and yet ... just waiting ... i chafe at the bit
was that all white wedding just a dream ... or a sign ?
was our sitting together to discuss unknown matters a future reality or
... just wishful dreaming ?
yes, Father, the past is gone and the future is Yours
please make use of me ... if only a little
not even a potsherd ... but potsherd dust
but You formed me from dust
and therefore Thou art able to use me, even as dust
... surrender ...
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