have noticed for sometime there is coating on the line which flakes off
clumps on the reel line guide, messy
lost a hard running fish after the mainline snapped during the recent March 2015 Kenyir trip
has never happened with FINS (where only the leader goes)
i retain my trust in FINS but will no longer invest in PP lines despite the popular opinion of many
not prone to changing lines just to try them out
heavy on the pockets ... so will scout and dig as much as possible on the net
before trying out anything new
PP's bite motion was an impulse buy ... two 15lb 164-yard spools
the orange colour, smooth feel of the line and poundage called out to me
sticker price of rm100/spool
second round of using PP lines, first was the 5lb yellow braid on my UL reels
pros: strong, light and limp, smooth, knots seem to hold
was served a nice helping of Singapore fried meehoon a month or two ago
had to cut some line; FG-ed the remaining without trimming the ends
the DAM vittatus lpbc was also tested for the first time since its purchase and use from February 2013
line, knot, reel and rod held; the second hand EA rod felt right at home
wish the vittatus' line capacity was more though; there were times when heavier lures almost spooled the reeled
FINS 15lb seems to hold more water than PP bite motion, most probably due to the perceived reduced diameter of bitemotion
however, naked eye visual says both lines appear to be of similar thickness
for now, PP bite motion seems worth the buy
the YGK G-Soul is another line worth checking out at RM60/150m for 16lb
bright neon yellow, thin, smooth ... that's for another day
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